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Home [php]echo get_masterslider ( 2 );[/php] Fascinating Amateur Radio Communication is dedicated to Amateur Radio and to all who have an interest in the art, science, and technology of HF, VHF/UHF, and Satellite Radio Communication....Radio Systems Fundamentals of Amateur Radio Systems Take a look at some of the fundamentals of the amateur radio system. Technologies related to radio systems for communication have developed rapidly over the last seventy-five years or more. World...Radio Signal Modulation Principles Introduction to Radio Signal Modulation For serving the purpose as a practical communication medium, the radio wave has to undergo a process of radio signal modulation. There are several ways of achieving the objective. For instance,...Elements of Amateur Radio Station Amateur Radio Station (Ham Shack) A thoughtfully set up amateur radio station (Ham Shack) goes a long way to provide a pleasant and fulfilling experience for years at the end, in the world of amateur radio. Not only does a meticulously...Radio Communication Microphones Radio Communication Microphones - The Untold Story How to optimally set up and use a microphone in a radio communication environment? This is perhaps one of those questions that rarely tickle in the minds of radio amateurs. Their...Radio Transceiver S-Meter - Pitfalls to avoid Radio Transceiver S-Meter - Lesser known facts An S-meter of an HF radio transceiver is a very important instrument on the rig and is used extensively for signal reporting by amateur radio operators while in QSO. However, unfortunately,...Geodesy for Terrestrial HF Radio Geodesy and Maps for Terrestrial HF Radio Acquiring a working knowledge of the basic concepts of Maps and Geodesy for terrestrial HF radio communication is important to radio amateurs. The term Geodesy has its origin from the...The Great Circle Map - GCM The Great Circle Map - GCM We present an automatically rendered Great Circle Map - GCM based on your location derived from your Internet IP address. Therefore the Great Circle Map generated below should be accurate and relevant...Antenna Bearings - Geodesic Map Antenna Bearings - Geodesic Map We present automatically rendered Antenna Bearings with Geodesic Paths projected on a Rectangular Map. Each geodesic great circle path displayed on the map...