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antenna bearings geodesic map display

Antenna Bearings – Geodesic Map

Antenna Bearings – Geodesic Map We present automatically rendered Antenna Bearings with Geodesic Paths projected on a Rectangular Map. Each geodesic great circle path displayed on the map originates from your location that is derived from your Internet IP address. Therefore the Antenna Bearing Geodesic Map generated below should be accurate and relevant to your physical location (QTH). This map is an alternative to the Great circle Map presented on another page of this website and hence provides an alternative perspective. However, beware that if you are using a VPN to access this website, then the map rendering will be based on the IP location of your VPN and not your actual location. Your current location for which the Antenna Bearing Geodesic Map is rendered is given below… Latitude:        Longitude: When this webpage was loaded the original IP-derived Latitude and Longitude was used to render the Antenna Bearings Map for the Grid Square location as a default. Normally, the map center accuracy should be more than adequate for HF radio DX communication purposes. However, if you wish to generate... Click Here to Read Full Article […]
HF Long Path LP

HF Long Path (LP) – Quick tips and pointers

HF Long Path (LP) – Getting acquainted HF radio DXing may often be leveraged by the use of HF Long Path (LP) from time to time. By and large, on a routine basis, we all tend to explore HF radio propagation openings that prevail along the better known Short-Path (SP). The earth is nearly a spherical object and the path taken by the radio signals to travel to the DX location is always via the shortest straight path along the spherical surface of the globe. However, this straight path if extended beyond the DX location eventually circles the globe and reaches back to the originating TX station’s location. This is the full Great Circle path. The Great Circle round-the-world path is always unique between any two radio stations on earth. In one direction along the circular path (Great Circle), the distance is shorter than the distance along the opposite direction. The direction along the shorter of the two distances is called the Short Path heading, while that in the opposite direction is the Long Path heading. There is only one... Click Here to Read Full Article […]

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